So, I have some interesting information about this one, well, interesting for me. I've spent the past couple of weeks working on improving the performance on my PC. It's only about 2.5 years old and has a sweet 24" Widescreen monitor. However, performance of XP was slipping. Since I work for Microsoft, I decided to upgrade to Vista (the $400 Vista Ultimate DVD cost me only $36...). After installing, which was more than a hassle, my system was running pretty well. Until I realized that Vista decided my graphics card couldn't handle Aero, and turned it off without telling me. Well, I turned the Aero interface on, and, as expected, it was running slow. (operative word: 'was'). I chatted with my buddy Jereme Patwaaaaaaaaa about this and he helped me pick out a well-priced video card ($125 for an NVidia 9600GT from After installing it I can't believe how much faster my PC is! Aero runs smoothly, it starts up quickly, and I'm looking into installing some games to test it out for real.
Anyway, you may be wondering, what the hell does this have to do with Buying a Mac? Well, first-off, there's no reason for cussing.
Secondly, I just extended the life of my PC! This means that I may not need a new computer within the next 1001 days...
Thirdly, I'm (surprisingly) very satisfied with Vista. It has some nice interface features, and runs quickly and safely. I'm hopeful that this experience will continue. If it does, I may just have to stick with a Windows machine (or wait for Windows 7). But I'm not making any guarantees here.
Fourthly, I really want an iPhone. There have been a ridiculous amount of times over the past month or so where I've wished I had one for convenience sake. Well, I expect to get one by June - when (hopefully) the 3G iPhone Version 2 comes out. Hopefully, this will have a larger memory capacity too. Walt Mossberg expects Apple to release the new phone within 60 days, and he's no dummy. Anyway, the iPhone is basically the most portable Mac ever, so (finally I've gotten to the point of this post) I've decided that Buy a Mac will be changed to Buy a Mac/iPhone.
So there.
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1 comment:
Thats the biggest COP OUT I ever read. Boo. Boo. Boo. So bow down to him if you want, bow to him. Bow to the Queen of Slime, the Queen of Filth, the Queen of Putrescence. Boo. Boo. Rubbish. Filth. Slime. Muck. Boo. Boo. Boo.
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